Here is a short video to show you how to use Simpleology. I run you through the morning routine for
- listing activities you should perform today
- reviewing what actions you can take today to come closer to your current goals
- find, what held you yesterday back, and what went well
- reviewing several aspects of your habits
- noting some other numerical data you deem important
- deciding what from the list to do now, or later, or not at all
- delegating tasks if possible and appropriate
- setting priorities the tasks you intend to do personally today
If you make this daily routine a habit, you can get a good grip of your day.
Get Your Free Trial of the Simpleology System Now!
You find a deeper look into the essence of time and ways to let time work into your favor in episode 3 of Success and Inner Growth. Although we are used to see time as a linear row of millions of identical seconds, this is far from true. Compare this modern understanding of time with a cooked egg. It is much easier to handle than a raw egg, and it serves many purposes. But the price for that reduction is high. Although you can eat a cooled egg, the chance to breed it into a chicken is gone forever.